
Just Ask

I learn a lot of lessons about God from my children. God is always speaking and if we pay attention we will hear His words in many situations. Today one of my children was having a meltdown because they had to do something and it wasn’t working. They were whining constantly because they could not figure it out. I knew they needed my help but I did not just offer it. I am trying to get them to stop whining and to come and state what is wrong instead of whining. I also want to instill in them that they can ask for help. So after whining for a bit more I finally said stop whining and ask for help if you need it, because I don’t feel like hearing the whining anymore. Then I walked away. I went in the room and waited patiently for them to come to me and ask. Then I would get right back up and help them as soon as they asked so they understood that was all they needed to do instead of whine.

As soon as I hit the room and sat down, God said, “Hey, did you get that lesson? Do you understand what you are doing? Now look at how that translates to what I do for you”. My eyes filled with tears. I thought about all the times I said I prayed for something and then said God didn’t answer me. But what I really did was I whined like my kid, instead of just asking for the help that I needed. God says in His word, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:7-11 NLT). Some versions say, keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking. That means we are not to stop going to God for what we need or desire. God said in His word that He will answer and it will be good because He is God.

Jesus says in the book of John it says, You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to The Father” (14:13 NLT). Jesus further says, “I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours” (Mark 11:24 NLT). This is exciting. That means we must go expecting a response from God. Just like when my child came a little later to me to ask for help. They expected that because I told them to ask for help, surely the help would come. And they were right, because as soon as they asked I made it a point to get right up and help them without delay. They need to understood all they have to do in the future was to ask. I believe that just like I could hear my child whining, God also hears us whining and He is saying just come ask. The best part is that He is also sitting with the answer right there waiting for you. Just as I was sitting waiting to answer my child’s call.

Now I want to make it clear that God is not to be considered as some genie in a bottle, and then you come asking for your three wishes. However, we can truly ask Him for anything. In 1 John 5:14, it says, “And this is the confidence that we have before Him: If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us” (CSB). That means what we ask for must fit in line with His Kingdom purpose for our lives. Since Jeremiah 29:11 states what His plans are for our lives then we are in great shape.

This last part is very important for us to remember. After I helped my child, they gave be a big thank you. We need to remember to thank God for what He has done for us when we get it. We need to be like the one man with leprosy that received his healing and came back and thanked Jesus for his healing. Don’t be like the other nine that never acknowledged they were healed. Show your gratitude to God and offer up your sacrifice of praise. Praise Him in advance even, knowing that His word will never return void. So you are sure to get an answer. How amazing is it to know that we can ask and we will receive? Until next time, stay encouraged and be blessed.

Purpose Driven Life

We always hear the saying that we need to live a purpose-driven life.  We hear sayings like; live life on purpose and find your purpose and you will be happy.  Many people have tried to capitalize on this and have made millions of dollars doing it. Even in the religious circle. There are many that say they will help you to find your God-given purpose for a fee. Just to find the quote above I found many, many articles and ads about how to find purpose. The truth is that we all have a purpose and the only true way to find it is to go to the one who created us all. When God created us, he had a purpose in mind for us all. Don’t get me wrong I do believe people can steer you in the right direction. However, it is impossible for them to give you the true purpose of your life. Even when you get advice from others, it should always return you to God and His word.

As I began the new year, I have been focusing my attention on hearing the vision for 2023. In my studying and prayer time, God showed me what is my true purpose. As I read it, I was literally able to apply it to all aspects of my life. It embodied my career, my ministry, and even my operations as a wife, mother, and daughter. When you can do that, it is a good indication that you have found out your true purpose in life. There is nothing more satisfying than really getting why you are here. I now can apply this through the Word of God in all aspects of my life. I can literally wake up and ask myself what is it that God wants me to do today that will fit into the purpose He has given me. Being able to do that is really living out my purpose daily.

When we live out our purpose every day, we can begin to feel fulfilled daily. As we continue to make it our everyday mission, we then begin to create a lasting joy that can only come from the Father himself. I hope that as you are reading this if you don’t know your purpose that you are beginning to ask yourself how do I get to this point in my life. Well, I am glad you asked; because I came on here to tell you. All you have to do is ask. It is that simple. In Matthew chapter seven, the Bible says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” (NIV). It goes on the say that if we as sinners know how to give good gifts, how much more amazing are the gifts we get from our Heavenly Father. So, it is just that easy; just ASK. Take the time to pray and read the Word of God. When you pray don’t just spend time talking but remember to spend time listening. God speaks in the silence. God said His Word will never return void. Meaning He will answer you. In James chapter one God says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking” (NLT). So, ask.

Here are some verses to encourage you as you press on to receive your purpose: Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 138:8, Proverbs 19:21, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Romans 12:2, and Proverbs 20:5. Life is only lived well when it is lived on purpose. Be blessed until next time and Happy New Year! May 2023 be the year you live a purpose-driven life.

Today’s Scripture:

Matthew 7:7-11; Isaiah 55:11; James 1:5

Listen to this episode by clicking the link below. Check out our other episodes of The Shower Chronicle too.

Do Not Dwell on the Problem

Let us look to the one who solves the problems. Micah 7:7 – Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.

Let me start with a confession. I am an overthinker. I spend a lot of time doing too much thinking. Some of you may identify with me on that. Have you ever found yourself looking at a situation going on in your life so much that you begin to think of solutions and different scenarios that could take place? Which then leads to worry or fret about what may happen. Maybe you are a person that likes to look back at situations that are already done and think, if this or that had happened then it would have gone that way. Let me share something with you. This is the work and plan of the enemy. He will have you stuck in a perpetual loop in your head hoping you won’t be able to get out. In a previous post, I talked about the enemy’s strength being persistence. If he can consistently have you focus on what is not going well or what already happened, he will have you on the wrong path.

Recently, I was listening to a sermon and the pastor said something that was profound. He said, what is wrong with the churches of today is that they spend too much time thinking about what the enemy is doing and not spending enough time praising the God who is in control of it all. I think that is so true. When we find ourselves in situations, we often look around trying to find out how the enemy made his way in. We begin wonder; is God mad at me, what part of the process did I skip over, what didn’t I learn or who sent this and why. Even though those are all valid questions and valid things to think about, they should never be our focus. When we find ourselves in a situation, our initial focus should be to turn to the great big God who can solve it all. The enemy should never get any of our time or be allowed the opportunity to even have a second in our minds. Because once we let him in our mind for just a moment, he is going to look for an opportunity to stay forever. And the longer we allow him to stay, the more disruption we will see happen in our life. Have you ever heard the saying if you give someone an inch, they are going to take a mile? That’s the truth of the enemy. If you give him just a millimeter, he is going to try and take ten miles. Knowing the nature of your enemy helps but knowing the character and the ability of our Heavenly Father is golden.

Most problems create unnecessary stress. An important thing for us to remember is that our bodies were not created to manage stress. think about the countless doctors’ appointments that you have been to. When you sit down in front of the doctor, and you begin to talk about your symptoms, the first question the doctor asks is if you have been under some usual amount of stress lately. The doctor then begins to tell you how stress can create different situations in your body. The fact that our human body cannot endure stress validates the point that God meant for us to seek him when situations arise. We were not meant to solve anything on our own. That is why the Holy Spirit was given to us as a comforter and a guide after Jesus returned to heaven.

Micah 7:7 says, “As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me” (NLT). This verse says it well. We are to look to God for help. God is the answer to all things. He is the creator of the world and the creator of us. If he meant for us to handle life’s stress by ourselves, when he created our bodies, he would have created them to endure the large amounts of stress that we go through daily. However, instead there are countless verses that encourages us to stay in God’s peace and cast our burdens on to him because he cares for us. I want you to know that you do not have to worry and fret about the problem. All you need to do is look up to God because He has all the answers. There is nothing He cannot solve. We are to hold our position of praise and watch Him work in miraculous ways.

I have left a few verses to encourage you. Until next time, Be Blessed!

  • Isaiah 54:10
  • Jeremiah 29:11
  • Psalm 29:11
  • Psalm 4:8
  • Romans 8:6
  • James 3:17

Soar in Peace

This past week I’ve been studying verses about trusting in God. They have been very encouraging I’ve been studying verses like Psalm 28:7, Hebrews 13:8 and Isaiah 41:10.  They have really encouraged my soul and help me understand Our heavenly Father more.

When I do my study, I like to write whatever verse I’m reading down in three different versions. I do this so I can get a better understanding of what I’m reading and for God to show me what he wants me to see. As I was writing down one of the verses that speaks about staying in God’s peace, then God reminded me about something he showed me the week before in the middle of a storm. The week before had been sort of like a storm for me. That was the reason I decided studying the verses about trusting in God would help me refocus.

As I was sitting in the couch looking out the window at the storm that had just started, all of a sudden, a bird flew right in clear view of the windowpane I was looking out of.  It was almost like I was looking at a painting, because suddenly, this bird just stopped in the middle of the sky. I was amazed that it was just flying and then just stopped. What I thought was interesting was that it didn’t fall out the sky. It was staying up in the sky with its wings out like it was flying but it was not flapping. At that moment I realized that this unusual (for me) occurrence was God trying to tell me something.

I began asking the Holy Spirit what he was trying to show me. The storm had some strong winds blowing, just like I felt was blowing through my life. Then I heard, stay in peace because I can keep you up just like I can keep the bird in the sky. Then, I finally realized what I was seeing. The bird in the sky understood that if it just sat and coasted on the wind instead of flapping its wings it would be better. It knew it would be hard trying to go forcefully through the wind and if it stayed in place the wind would keep it in the sky. It knew that God would not allow it to fall and that it could coast in peace in the heavy winds of the storm.  The Holy Spirit showed me that if the bird kept flapping its wings to push through the storm his wings would get tired, and it could fall out of the sky flapping on its own might. However, if it rested and held its position it could ride through the storm in peace, because the very wind that could blow it over would hold it up during the storm.

How many times have we been up against a storm like that? We’ve been flapping our wings going through life and then the next thing you know a big storm comes and the wind is so heavy and strong that we feel like we’re not even going to make it through. Then, we get tired from trying to flap our wings through the storm and force our way through it. My question to you is, do you do like the bird and realize that the storm is bigger than you but the God who created it can hold you up in it? Or do you do the opposite and start flapping your wings as hard as you can to fly and push through the storm? I won’t lie, sometimes I when things hit, I don’t remember that I could pull back in peace and lay in my heavenly Father’s arms to ride out the storm. However, the bird is an animal, and it acts on instinct. It knew automatically to pause and stay in peace because the storm was not going to last forever. The wind was not going to last forever. So, it needed to pause in peace and get rest so that when the wind of the storm finished it could begin to fly again and it wouldn’t be tired.

That is such a hard concept for us to understand. When the storms of life come, we automatically start trying to figure out what can we do to get out of it. Did you hear that I said what can WE do? Basically, we began to start flapping our wings as fast as we can to get out of the storm. Which I just said would have tired the bird and it most definitely would have fell out the sky due to exhaustion. When the storms of life come The Bible tells us that we are supposed to stand firm In Christ Jesus and stay in His peace. For the storms of life were never ours to battle. If we could just have that instinct like the bird to know this storm is too strong for me, so I need to stand in peace and let my Father who controls every storm handle it. Then I can wait for Him to tell me when I can start flapping my wings again; when I can get up and start moving again.

We were never meant to carry the burden of any storm that we go through. God did not build our bodies to take stress.  That is why stress kills. If we stress our bodies sickness comes, disease comes, distress comes. We begin to feel the effects like the bird would have if it had kept flapping. God built our bodies to do what he wanted us to do which is depend on him when the storms of life come. To depend on him for direction so that we can miss some of the storms of life. He wants us to have a relationship with him so that He can guide us through the things of life. When things get heavy, we are to stay in peace and ride the wind as He carries us through.

I’ve placed a few of the verses that I was studying this past week below. I put them in the version that spoke to me the most. I hope that they are encouraging to you and that you may take the time to look at other versions that may speak to you even more. Until next time, be blessed.

Romans 8:28-31 (AMP)
28 And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew [and loved and chose beforehand], He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son [and ultimately share in His complete sanctification], so that He would be the firstborn [the most beloved and honored] among many believers. 30 And those whom He predestined, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified [declared free of the guilt of sin]; and those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity]. 31 What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be [successful] against us?

Psalm 28:7 (MSG)
6-7 Blessed be God—he heard me praying. He proved he’s on my side; I’ve thrown my lot in with him. Now I’m jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to him.

Isaiah 41:10 (AMPC)
10 Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice.

Proverbs 3:5-6
5-6 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.

Check out another episode of The Shower Chronicles at https://anchor.fm/sheena-brown2/episodes/Relationship-vs-Religion-e1i1dkn

Uproot It

The other day I was walking around outside. As I was walking around the driveway I looked down and I saw this plant growing through the tiles of the driveway. So, I reached down, and I yanked it out. As I yanked it out, I said to myself pull it out by the root. As I said that something jumped in my spirit. It was like I heard God say I’m going to pull it out by the root. At the time I believe he was talking to me about what I was praying about. I often walk around outside and pray and seek God for the things I need.

There are so many times that we are praying and asking God for his help to remove something and we forget to ask him to pull it out by the root. See it was so important that when I pulled out that plant that I got the roots too. If I never pulled out the root too, as soon as it rained a plant would grow right back. How many times have we gone to God and ask him could he remove something, but we never get to the root cause? It is so important you find the root cause. Us not getting to the root is the reason why we cycle through things over and over again.

We serve a God that can do full deliverance. He isn’t just capable of removing what we see but he also removes what is unseen. The roots that go down far deep below the surface. Sometimes those roots are so deep that we are unable to even understand for ourselves how far they go. But our all-knowing God can see all. So, when we ask him to remove it from the root He goes deep down to make sure that he takes out and destroys everything so it can’t grow back again.

Sometimes, the difficult part about him uprooting everything is that some of the roots are stubborn. They have been there for so long. They have grown so big. They go so deep. That makes it hurt when He is pulling them out. Think about when you must chop down a tree that’s growing in your yard and the roots are damaging the foundation of house. You have to start chopping the tree from the top and then work your way down. Then when it gets to a stump the next level of chopping begins because now you must account for digging up roots.

Depending on how big the tree was, the roots underneath the ground could be just as deep. That is what we often face with the situations in our lives. The bigger the situation above ground, the deeper the roots go. It can be a challenge for things to be uprooted and it can be painful. Having to face the reality of the real reason why things are there can really difficult.

However, we serve an amazing and loving Father. He not only does the digging for us but he also holds us while repairing the damage done. When he is finished, we look like new. His repair job is more of a renovation where we come out looking new and unrecognizable to the old self. Much like when you’re doing renovations, it looks worse after you start. However, the finished product, looks amazing.

Let me encourage all of you to ask God to pull things out by the root. Then lean back into the loving arms of your heavenly father as he works on you. So, then you can become the masterpiece He intended you to be. Until next time, be blessed.

Matthew 15:13
But He answered and said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted.

Lean Back by Capital City Music

Check out this message on our podcast https://anchor.fm/sheena-brown2.

Who’s Your Director?

Many of us like to watch movies. As soon as the latest one comes out, we are at the movie theatre or in front of the TV to watch it and give our reviews. Recently in my time of devotion, God showed me something about our lives. As I was praying and asking about things happening in my life, God told me to look up the role of a Director. So I went and looked it up and the description I found was very profound. Directors are the creative leads of the film. They are the ones that hold the creative vision and they guide the film throughout the whole process; from pre-production to the final edit. The director also instructs other members of the crew. They tell lighting, wardrobe, make-up and etc. where to be and when. Just look at the description. Doesn’t it already give you the feel of how God wants to be in our lives?

God showed me how He wants to be the director of my life. He had the vision for me and He is my creative lead from pre-production until my final edit. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations” (NLT). God was talking to Jeremiah in this text telling him how He knew who and what Jeremiah was to be from before Jeremiah even got on this earth. God knew each of us from pre-production. We are His well-thought-out creation.

Next, God showed me how He, as the director, is and has been instructing people in and out of my life to help the film of my life be the beautiful production He had the creative vision for it to be. So every person we meet, every location we go, every position we find ourselves in (as we operate in obedience) is a well-thought-out scene in our life movie. Notice I put as we operate in obedience in parenthesis. That is an important part of the movie being the beautiful creation God intended it to be. When you go to the set as an actor, you don’t go there and tell the Director what you are doing in his/her film. You go to them and ask what they envisioned that scene to look like.

It is in the same way that we must seek God for His vision for every scene in our lives. He wants to instruct us on how He imagined the scene to look and feel; what He wants the outcome to be. God is a relational god. He has always intended for us to talk with him about everything we do. Our life works best when we get up and ask Him daily about what the next scene (day) is supposed to look like. Psalm 63:1 says, “O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water” (NKJV). Some versions say, “earnestly will I seek you.” The point is that we are to make a conscious effort to seek the Lord before we do anything. Check in with Him about His thoughts on the things we plan before we plan them. This way we make sure the movie goes just as planned without scene edits because we chose to do something our way without checking with the Director. So my question to you today is, who is your Director? Are you allowing the one who created you and knew you before you were formed, in on your life’s plans? As every actor will tell you, the filming goes much better when you follow the Director; when you check in with the Director to find out their creative vision for each scene. I encourage you to give God the position He deserves in your life’s movie. It will always go better when He leads.

Until next time, Be Blessed!

By Fire

Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench. Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!” 1 Kings 18:38-39

In my time of reading early this past week, I read 1 Kings 18. This chapter has become one of my favorites. In Chapter 17 of 1 Kings, Elijah the prophet had just declared that there will be no rain in the land for three years. Chapter 18 starts out three years later after the declaration. In this chapter, Elijah shows back up in front of King Ahab to show him and all of Israel who the true God is. King Ahab and the Israelites had forgotten who God was and turned away from Him. King Ahab had married Jezebel who in turn killed all the prophets of God, all but Elijah. So God called all the false prophets, king Ahab and all of Israel up to Mt. Carmel to show them who has the power. God told them to make two alters to sacrifice a bull to their false gods and to God Almighty himself. Elijah let them go first. The plan was that the true God would set the sacrifice on fire. So they prepared the sacrifice and prayed to Baal. They prayed and prayed and prayed but nothing happened. Then it was Elijah’s turn to prepare the sacrifice. He watered down the bull, the alter and everything around and prayed to God. Elijah prayed once and God sent His mighty fire and it burned up the sacrifice and everything in sight, including the excess water in the trenches. Now, this is my cliff notes version of the story. I encourage you to go and read 1 Kings chapters 16 through 18 to get the full story and be blessed by every single detail because this is truly a powerful story. It is in this story that we find that God is the God that answers by fire.

This encouraged me so much. It was like God was reminding me that even when things looked down and out. The situation is drenched with trouble and roadblocks. He can still make a way because He is the God that answers by fire. What things are you going through that seems like it can never turn around? Maybe it feels like your situation is way too far under water to recover. Maybe you feel like you have been calling and calling and there has been no answer. Let me just encourage you today that He is the God that answers by fire. Say that to yourself a few times. BY FIRE! I don’t know if 1 Kings 18:38 encourages you like it does me, but look at it. God burned up the sacrifice, the alter, the stones and lapped up every sign of liquid; leaving not even dust and ashes. He left nothing. Everything gone without a trace. I hear God saying your situation will leave and be gone without a trace. He is going to answer BY FIRE! That stubborn thing will leave and there will be no trace left. God does not lose. He ALWAYS wins and NOTHING is impossible for Him. You only need to believe.

Be encouraged and don’t lose heart because The God sees you and His fire is coming. Until next time, be blessed!

Miracles do Happen

I was looking through my phone today and found this picture and it made me smile and remember how amazing God is. I took this photo one day so that it can do exactly what it did, remind me of the things God has done for me. For those who don’t know, this photo is a picture of a Jamaican beef patty. Which is one of my favorite things to grab real quick to eat. This particular patty has an amazing story of God’s mercy.

On this particular day we were real busy and by the time we checked the time we realized we hadn’t eaten and it was almost time to leave for a doctor’s appointment. So we grabbed some patties out of the freezer and decided to put them in the toaster oven so that we can grab them and eat them on the run. I took out 5 patties, one for each of us and put them in the toaster oven. We all went up and got dressed. After getting dressed and helping the kids get ready, I went back downstairs to get the food together. I took out everyone’s patty and gave it to them with their drinks and napkins. Then we all ran out the door in a hurry. It wasn’t until we made it to the doctor’s office, which was an hour away in traffic, that I realized I didn’t have my patty. I had taken care of everyone else and not gotten mine together.

I guess I was on some kind of adrenaline rush trying to make sure my husband wasn’t late for his appointment and I didn’t remember. By the time I made it to the appointment without being late my mind kicked back in that I was supposed to be eating something. Then the next thought kicked in. Oh No! I left the patty in the toaster and it was still turned on. Now I was really freaking out. I had many thoughts of the house being up in flames, the whole kitchen was burned up, etc. All I could think of was, it is going to be an hour ride back to turn it off and the likelihood of there not being a fire was slim. If you can imagine the toaster oven is smaller, packs a lot of heat and sits on the counter. It doesn’t take much to cause a fire.

I thought about calling my in-laws to see if they could go to turn it off but I resolved in my mind that all hope was gone and it better be me to see the house in flames. I had to ask God for forgiveness, because at this point all I did was panic. It never crossed my mind to just pray. I was going with logical thinking and preparing myself for the worst disaster I had ever seen. So I left my husband and our oldest at the doctor’s office and took the long ride back home to confirm what I already knew I would see. This whole time I was focusing on the drive and still never said a word of prayer. When I finally pulled up to the house, I was surprised I did not see the fire department. I did not see smoke coming out the windows. I didn’t see a flame in sight. So being the protective mom I am, I told the other two kids to stay in the car and I was going to run in and come right back out. When I opened the door I expected to smell smoke, see smoke and I was heading straight for the fire extinguisher. To my surprise, there was none of that.

I walked up to the still on toaster and expected to at least see a burned up patty. But I didn’t even see that. The picture that you see above is exactly what I saw. A completely edible and nice and hot patty waiting for me. At that time, I finally realized that I had not even prayed but God answered a prayer. Now I don’t know if my husband prayed, but I know I did not. I turned the toaster oven off and took out the patty. Then God spoke to me. He said I am the God that protected Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and they did not come out looking or smelling like smoke (See Daniel 3:16-28 to be blessed by the story). He said that is how I protected and kept your house. How much more can I protect you and your family from anything. John 2:11 came to mind. It says, “This miraculous sign at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory. And his disciples believed in him” (NLT). Now this wasn’t the first miracle God had done for my family, but it sure was an outstanding one. It took His glory to next level for me.

I don’t know who needed to hear this testimony today. Please know that God is still in the miracle working business. He has not forgotten you and He is working things out for good and He will get the glory. Have faith and you will see. I didn’t even pray and ask for that miracle. In fact I didn’t pray at all. I was too wrapped up in the situation and what I logically knew. I didn’t even equate that my God could change the narrative. However, God saw my heart. He knew deep down I didn’t want to have to deal with the disaster. So He was merciful and spared me. Whatever you have going on, just go to God with a sincere heart and He will have mercy and work it all out for your good. Until next time… Be Blessed!

What’s Your Frequency

At the beginning of this year, I committed to doing more reading. I love to learn and I love books of all kinds. I confess to having not only a bookshelf wall full of books but I also have over 2000 kindle books and over 66 audiobooks. I would love to say I have read all of them but the truth is, the frequency of which I have read my books has been very low over the past several years. Since the year started I have definitely fulfilled my commitment to myself. I have finished three books and I am in the middle of reading my fourth. It is in the fourth book that the inspiration for this post came. The book I am reading right now is, Armed and Dangerous by John Ramirez. I highly recommend it. In the 10th chapter, he says a line that got me thinking about me in my life and wondered how many others shared the same problem. He said the devil’s number one weapon is persistence. It got me thinking about how many times I may have lost a battle or never saw what I was hoping for because I stopped before the breakthrough was released. If the enemy is persistent we should be even that much more persistent.

I started asking myself what is my frequency. So that we don’t get confused, let me take the time to define frequency so we are all on the same page. The frequency I am talking about is the rate at which something occurs over a particular period of time. Like In my previous post, I talked about how I only did one post for the year in 2021, which was not the way it should have been. My efforts lacked the right frequency.

One of my favorite stories in the Bible about persistence is in Luke 18:1-8. The story is of the persistent widow. The widow went several times to a judge that was described as, unjust and didn’t care about the people, to ask for justice in a situation. The unjust judge got tired of seeing her come before him and granted her justice because he did not want to see her anymore. Verse five said the judge said to himself, “this woman is driving me crazy; I am going to see that she gets justice because she is wearing me out.” We are commanded in several verses to be consistent. God says in Matthew 7: 7 for us to keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking and we will see results. He tells us in Galatians 6:9 to not grow weary in doing good because we will reap if we do not give up. In 1 Corinthians 15:58 He says to be steadfast and immovable because our labor is not in vain.

When I look at myself, I have to ask am I praying, reading my word, praising His name, doing what I am called to do consistently? You see the enemy is out to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10) and he is persistent. Am I being more persistent than he is when it comes to my spiritual life and building up myself to be ready at any time to be in battle? Have I been fostering a lasting relationship with the King of kings that when the enemy tries to come at me I will not faint or fumble because I know who my Father is and He knows me? If you had to ask yourself the same questions, what would your answer be? I want to encourage you to spend time working on raising your frequency. It is in the increased rate of your time spent with God that you will be ready when the enemy comes to battle. It is in the increased rate of time spent with God that you will find peace and rest for your soul. God created us as relational beings and He intended for us to have a daily relationship with Him. As you raise your frequency with God watch and see how things in your life begin to change for the better. Until next time be blessed.

The Reset

It’s been a while since I have posted something here. Over one whole year to be exact. 2021 was quite the year. Many of the things I thought I would do, never happened. As I am sure similar situations happened to many of you. Don’t get me wrong, I had many many wins in 2021. To God be the glory for all of them! But feel like I dropped the ball on a few things that I really needed to keep up with. This blog is one of the biggest things that need my attention and never got it. So starting now, I am back! Back to do the things God has called me to do and be because in the grand scheme of things that is where I will rise.

I have come into 2022 with new thinking. 2021 was a year that showed me who I was and who I am called to be. I will have to admit I didn’t like everything I saw that I was. Self-reflection is an interesting process. It pulls out the good, the bad, and the ugly, and when I say it did that for me. I mean it did that for me! The great things about myself I really loved and the others well… I learned to grow from. Some things I learned to grow through. However, all in all, I grew. I am proud of the woman I am becoming. I say becoming because we are all a work in progress. Every day has its ups and downs and we learn and grow and build up ourselves through it all. I put this photo up to start this year because it has the two things I have learned for this new season in life. I need to focus on progress, not perfection and to be bold and go for what God said was for me. We will never have true joy out of life until we are doing what we were called to do. So I am taking up my torch and blazing the trail with confidence that I can and will be the person God has called me to be. I am looking forward to what 2022 has to bring. I hope you are too.

2022 will be the year you will see me more visible than I have been. God has called me to speak and be heard. This year I have started a podcast called The Shower Chronicles. The name is reflective of where I get the inspiration for the topics I will talk about. Right out of my shower. I find that it is in the time that I am naked and uninterrupted when I can hear the voice of the Lord the best. There are no distractions, no facades; just me and God with the tranquil sounds from the shower. I look forward to sharing with you my real-life experiences as I serve King Jesus unapologetically. I want you to understand that following Him is not a religion or a set of rules and regulations. It is an experience, a life-changing experience that will never leave you the same way you came. I will let you know when I launch the first podcast. I also have a YouTube channel in which I will also be leaving messages. I have not narrowed down the frequency for how often there will be something new on each platform but if you go and subscribe to each one including this blog you won’t miss anything. This is a new walk for me. Anyone who knows me personally knows this is by the leading of the Holy Spirit because I DO NOT like to be seen. I prefer to help you, speak a word over you, pray for you, etc. backstage. I am perfectly fine not being seen or heard by anyone in public. However, part of this new season that God has for me, is that I will be heard. I pray and hope that it will all bless you and encourage your hearts as I follow the leading Holy Spirit. Blessings to each of you.

To follow my other platforms you can use this link right here: https://linktr.ee/BBNB_Psalm147.3

Don’t forget to look for Coming Soon!